Southside Community Kitchen
5509 S Pennsylvania Ave
Lansing, MI - 48910
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On Monday through Thursday, we serve from 11:30 - 12:15 at:
St. Casimir's Holy Family Center
800 West Barnes
Lansing, MI 48910
We are open to all people who are in need of a well balanced and nutritious meal four days a week.
On Tuesday and Thursday, we serve from 11:30 am - 12:15 pm at:
Galilee Baptist Church
2511 Reo Road
Lansing, MI 48911
All our meals include at least 4 oz of meat, a serving of fruit and vegetable, a bread, potato or grain, 8 oz of milk and a dessert. Beverages include water, coffee and tea are provided.
Please Note: In the event of hazardous weather, we do not serve meals if the Lansing School District is closed.

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