First Emmanuel Baptist Pantry - Emergency Groceries
2209 Park Avenue
Baltimore, MD - 21217
(410) 523-6787
Provides clothing and emergency groceries to residents of Baltimore city. Pantry open the third Tues of the month, Noon-3PM.
EMERGENCY GROCERIES: A 2-4-day supply of canned goods is available. Clients may receive food once every 30 days. However, in the case of an extreme emergency, this rule can be waived, but a referral would be necessary. I.D. is required. Walk in or call. A referral would be necessary if food has been provided within the last 30 days.
CLOTHING: Used men's, women's and children's clothing is available to anyone in need, on the third Tues of the month, Noon-3PM.
All applicants must provide a photo ID. First-time applicants must bring a Social Security card for each member of the household or Independence cards, and if the children's last names are different from the parent's last name, the children's birth certificates must also be provided. A photo-copy of these documents will be kept on file.

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