Corpus Christi Community Center Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry
703 Whitelock Street
Baltimore, MD - 21217
(410) 523-4161
Provides a soup kitchen and emergency groceries.
1) SOUP KITCHEN: Open Tues and Thurs, 2-3:15PM. No age restriction.
2) EMERGENCY GROCERIES: Offers one bag of canned goods per client on Wed, 9-10AM only in Reservoir Hill Neighborhood (21217). Only accepts the first 20 people in line. Will need proof of address (utility bill within the last two months), ID and social security card. Must be 18 years or older.
Coverage Area Food pantry for 21217 ONLY. Catchment area is Lafayette Avenue to Druid Park Lake Drive (Reservoir Hill neighborhood) & Mt. Royal to Madison Avenue.
Documents Required Picture ID, proof of address and social security card.

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