Beth-El Church of Christ Food Pantry And Soup Kitchen
3910 West Rogers Avenue
Baltimore, MD - 21215
Provides emergency food and clothing to the community.
1) FOOD PANTRY: Open to anyone. Must have ID. Open Tues, 10:30AM-1:00PM. No need to call in advance. Sometimes baby food is available. Recipients should enter in at the Price Street door
2) SOUP KITCHEN: Open to anyone. Must have ID. Open Weds, 11:30AM-1:30PM.
3) CLOTHING CLOSET: Open to anyone. Open Weds, 11:30AM-1:30PM. Call ahead to ensure that clothes are available.
Must bring picture ID, Social Security card, and proof of eligibility to pick up basket. If the person who registered cannot pick-up, a proxy must be designated ahead of time and show ID.

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