Society of St Vincent De Paul
3001 E 30th St
Indianapolis, IN - 46218
Food: Located in the Pratt-Quigley Center
St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) offers two client choice food pantry locations in Indianapolis. Please ensure you bring a photo ID, and proof of residency (such as a utility bill). You must also meet the Income Guidelines published by the State of Indiana. SVdP serves the poor regardless of religious affiliations, race, or national origin.
Hours of operation: Tuesday and Thursday 8am - Noon ; Friday 9am Noon; Saturday 8 am-11am and Thursday 5 pm-7 pm
Closed: Jan. 1 7, Apr14 -21, May 19 27, July 1 -7, Aug 25- Sep. 2, Nov. 24 Dec 1, Dec 22 Jan 6, 2020. and every Sunday, Monday and Wednesday.

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