Catholic Charities Of Colorado Springs, Inc.
228 North Cascade Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO - 80903
Family Day Center
The Family Day Center is a safe haven for families experiencing poverty, crisis, who are homeless, or who are on the verge of homelessness. The Center provides access to a number of services in one location.
Shelter Referrals
Emergency and temporary shelter referrals are made to a number of local partner agencies. Motel vouchers are provided when available to those who qualify.
Food Boxes
Emergency and holiday food boxes are available for those who cannot access onsite services.
Phone, Mail and Identification Services
Guests at Catholic Charities can use the telephone, access mail services, receive replacement ID or birth certificates.
New Home Starter Kit
For individuals who have worked with a case manager, New Home Starter Kits are available for transitioning from temporary to permanent shelter. Kits include food, linens, housewares, and other necessities.
Utilities Assistance
A limited number of funds from COPE and Catholic Charities are available for emergency utilities assistance. Emergency gas cards are also available. Appointments are required.

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