St. Anthony's - Society of St. Vincent de Paul
405 E. 2nd St.
Casa Grande, AZ - 85122
Monday thru Friday 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM. Clients receive a cart of staple groceries to provide balanced meals such as meat, produce, canned goods, bread, cereal, and pasta or rice. Infant formula is included when available and appropriate. SVDP Casa Grande serves between 30 and 60 clients per day.
Food boxes are available Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM. Clients are eligible to receive one every 90 days. Seniors may receive delivery once per month. Delivery of food boxes available in certain other situations.
If you have any questions about eligibility and/or forms of ID needed, please call us at 520-836-2009.

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