Love Kitchen, Inc. - Mission of Grace
1715 S. Penrod Lane
Pinetop, AZ - 85935
(928) 367-6505
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The Love Kitchen is here to provide a hot and nutritious meal for anyone who walks through our door from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Our kitchen proudly serves the White Mountain communities of both Navajo and Apache counties. For many of our guests this is the only meal they will have during the day. Our open door policy has always been in place and invites anyone without question or qualification. Providing a home cooked meal to feed not only their bellies but their souls is what we each strive for daily here.
Our cooks arrive early each morning to begin preparations for the day's meal. With doors opening up for volunteers at 8:30 a.m., the crunch time begins for serving hundreds each day. Not only do we focus on the many that we feed but we also strive to have a healthy approach providing nutritious food that will sustain and nourish our guests. Working hard to balance our meals with the proper balance of vegetables, fruit, grains, and protein is a priority to planning stages in our meals.

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