Hope's Closet and Pantry
2535 S Rockwood Drive
Cabot, AR - 72023
(501) 628-7173
Go to Facebook page
Provides: Clothing and food to families in Cabot at no cost.
Provide furniture and appliances (if available)
Hope's Closet and Pantry is a non-profit striving to help those people. Hope stands for: Helping Our People Excel. We believe everyone has a story, whether it is from a broken, abusive, or non emotional home or background. Everyone has crisis in their life from time to time. We want to wrap our arms around those people and let them know, someone cares.
We will never be judgmental; we will be caring and nurturing as we serve others. We are reaching our community through compassion and serving in Jesus's name.
Matthew 25:40

1 Comment
Sep 28, 2020Reply