Christian Care Ministries
1000 Samford Court
Opelika, AL - 36801
CCM is staffed by volunteers and consists of a Soup Kitchen, Food Pantry, and Clothes Closet. The Soup Kitchen delivers to homebound and has an open dining room each Thursday.
Soup Kitchen: CCM has established a soup kitchen that feeds the needy in the community each Thursday. There is a dining room on location at 1000 Samford Court, Opelika, Alabama, where those that are able may come to eat. Plates are also delivered to the homebound within the community each Thursday.
Food Pantry: CCM has established a food pantry that works closely with East Alabama Food Bank and other area food pantries to provide food to hungry people in the community.
Clothes Closet: CCM has established a clothes closet which is maintained at all times with donated clothes, shoes, coats, hats, etc. Volunteers clean, organize and assist with the distribution of these items.

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