There are an estimated 3,938 homeless individuals in Fort Bend County Texas. That is a -5% change from 2018.
The homelessness statistics listed are collected from HUD and from the Homeless Shelter Directory database for 2019
There are an estimated 3,938 homeless individuals in Fort Bend County Texas. That is a -5% change from 2018.
There are -28 less homeless individuals in Fort Bend County Texas than in 2018. That is a -4% drop .
Chronic homelessness refers to people who have found themselves experiencing homelessness repeatedly and is often accompanied with mental ilness or substance abuse.
Chronically homeless individuals have been on the streets for a long time, potentially years.
There are more homeless individuals in Fort Bend County Texas than in 2018. That is a % increase.
There are 34 more homeless youths in Fort Bend County Texas than in 2018. That is a 17% increase.
This figure represents the total number of beds available in all categories of Housing.
Emergency Shelters are places where the homeless can find a safe place to stay in case of sudden loss of housing. There are about 1846 emergency shelter beds in Fort Bend County.
Transitional Housing are shelters intended to temporarily care for the displaced or chronically homeless population. There are about 868 Transitional Housing beds in Fort Bend County.
Permanent Supportive Housing is a long-term housing service for the elderly or vulnurable population struggling to stay above the poverty line. There are about 5494 Permanent Supportive Housing beds in Fort Bend County.
Rapid re-housing is a short-term rental assistance service with the purpose of helping people obtain housing quickly, increase self- sufficiency, and stay housed. There are about 1314 Rapid Re-Housing beds in Fort Bend County.
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Total Homeless | Total Families | Total Chronic | Total Veterans | Total Youth | ||
2015 | ||||||
SI* UI* IFS* UIF* Individuals in shelters Unsheltered individuals Individuals in families shelters Unsheltered individuals in families Individuals in shelters Unsheltered individuals Individuals in families shelters Unsheltered individuals in families Individuals in shelters Unsheltered individuals Individuals in families shelters Unsheltered individuals in families |
1430 1936 1229 14 |
S* H* Sheltered Homeless Sheltered Homeless Sheltered Homeless |
383 7 |
48 543 |
339 224 |
148 177 |
2015 Total | 4,609 | 390 | 591 | 563 | 325 | |
2016 | ||||||
SI* UI* IFS* UIF* Individuals in shelters Unsheltered individuals Individuals in families shelters Unsheltered individuals in families Individuals in shelters Unsheltered individuals Individuals in families shelters Unsheltered individuals in families Individuals in shelters Unsheltered individuals Individuals in families shelters Unsheltered individuals in families |
1869 1186 966 10 |
S* H* Sheltered Homeless Sheltered Homeless Sheltered Homeless |
323 3 |
127 384 |
376 147 |
162 77 |
2016 Total | 4,031 | 326 | 511 | 523 | 239 | |
2017 | ||||||
SI* UI* IFS* UIF* Individuals in shelters Unsheltered individuals Individuals in families shelters Unsheltered individuals in families Individuals in shelters Unsheltered individuals Individuals in families shelters Unsheltered individuals in families Individuals in shelters Unsheltered individuals Individuals in families shelters Unsheltered individuals in families |
1562 1108 915 20 |
S* H* Sheltered Homeless Sheltered Homeless Sheltered Homeless |
310 9 |
247 282 |
315 90 |
118 65 |
2017 Total | 3,605 | 319 | 529 | 405 | 183 | |
2018 | ||||||
SI* UI* IFS* UIF* Individuals in shelters Unsheltered individuals Individuals in families shelters Unsheltered individuals in families Individuals in shelters Unsheltered individuals Individuals in families shelters Unsheltered individuals in families Individuals in shelters Unsheltered individuals Individuals in families shelters Unsheltered individuals in families |
1548 1614 981 0 |
S* H* Sheltered Homeless Sheltered Homeless Sheltered Homeless |
340 0 |
208 436 |
225 218 |
132 70 |
2018 Total | 4,143 | 340 | 644 | 443 | 202 | |
2019 | ||||||
SI* UI* IFS* UIF* Individuals in shelters Unsheltered individuals Individuals in families shelters Unsheltered individuals in families Individuals in shelters Unsheltered individuals Individuals in families shelters Unsheltered individuals in families Individuals in shelters Unsheltered individuals Individuals in families shelters Unsheltered individuals in families |
1343 1614 981 0 |
S* H* Sheltered Homeless Sheltered Homeless Sheltered Homeless |
316 0 |
134 482 |
181 194 |
147 89 |
2019 Total | 3,938 | 316 | 616 | 375 | 236 |
Avg days* Average Length of Time Homeless (days) Average Length of Time Homeless (days) Average Length of Time Homeless (days) | Return rate* Rate People Return to Homelessness in 6 Months Rate People Return to Homelessness in 6 Months Rate People Return to Homelessness in 6 Months | 1st time* Number of People who are Homeless for the First Time Number of People who are Homeless for the First Time Number of People who are Homeless for the First Time | Temp 2 Perm* Rate People Exit from ES, SH, TH, and RRH to PH Rate People Exit from ES, SH, TH, and RRH to PH Rate People Exit from ES, SH, TH, and RRH to PH | Supp 2 Perm* Rate People in PSH and OPH Retain or Exit to PH Rate People in PSH and OPH Retain or Exit to PH Rate People in PSH and OPH Retain or Exit to PH | |
2015 | 93 | 13.3% | 11818 | 45.2% | 92.7% |
2016 | 87 | 11.2% | 11049 | 29.2% | 91.7% |
2017 | 84 | 9.6% | 10416 | 27.1% | 92.3% |
2018 | 82 | 12.7% | 10894 | 28.1% | 92.7% |
2019 | 97 | 11.7% | 8752 | 32.6% | 95.2% |
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