Welcome to our Gadsden, South Carolina Homeless Shelters and Services for the needy page.
Below are all of the homeless shelters and services for the needy that provide help to those in need for Gadsden, SC and surrounding cities.
We also provide other homeless resources such as transitional resources and services that help the needy.
There are no listing located within the Gadsden city limits.
Emergency shelter for homeless families, we shelter couples with children, single mothers and single fathers with children. Each family has a private room and shared bathroom in a dorm-style environme [...]
See more detailsEmergency Shelter for Men.Emergency CenterDoors are open 24/7Oliver Gospel reaches out to the homeless population within the Midlands through its emergency shelter. 43 be [...]
See more detailsOur Vision is to create a self-sufficient woman capable of caring for her children and building a future for her family.Transitional living facility for homeless women and their children. [...]
See more detailsWe are the Midlands Largest Homeless Center providing homeless men and women ages 18 and older access to our day center, hot meals, showers, service providers and housing.Clients receive s [...]
See more detailsWomen's Shelter. Housing.ProgramsPrimary HousingThe Primary shelter offers temporary housing for a maximum of 11 women. In additio [...]
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