Longport, NJ Homeless Shelters

Longport, New Jersey
Longport, New Jersey

Longport, New Jersey Homeless Shelters and Services

Welcome to our Longport, New Jersey Homeless Shelters and Services for the needy page. Below are all of the homeless shelters and services for the needy that provide help to those in need for Longport, NJ and surrounding cities.

We also provide other homeless resources such as transitional resources and services that help the needy.

Rental Assistance Programs

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There are no listing located within the Longport city limits.

4 Homeless Shelter Listings near Longport

The Women's Center Linwood

The Women's Center Linwood

Linwood, NJ 3.77 miles outside Longport, New Jersey

24-hour crisis hotline:  800-286-4184 or 609-646-6767. Services Violence Intervention Program The Violence Intervention Program works to reduce the physical, psychologica [...]

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Added Dec 27, 2016
AVANZAR Shelters

AVANZAR Shelters

Northfield, NJ 4.1 miles outside Longport, New Jersey

Northfield Women's ShelterAtlantic County Women's CenterServices:24-Hour Hotline (800)-286-4184 or (609)-646-6767, and for the hearing impaired (609)-569-5437Shelter: 24-hour, [...]

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Added Apr 26, 2022
Atlantic City Rescue Mission

Atlantic City Rescue Mission

Atlantic City, NJ 5.75 miles outside Longport, New Jersey

The Mission has dormitories for 200 men and 50 women, and rooms in the family shelter for 11 mothers with children. The Mission provides meals and shelter, but the goal is to guide people [...]

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Added Apr 20, 2016
Covenant House Atlantic City New Jersey

Covenant House Atlantic City New Jersey

Atlantic City, NJ 6.47 miles outside Longport, New Jersey

We are a homeless shelter for the ages of 18-21. We provide other services as well, such as educational and job training, legal services, and behavioral health treatment.We open doors of [...]

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Added Apr 20, 2016


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