Greenfield, MO Homeless Shelters

Greenfield, Missouri
Greenfield, Missouri

Greenfield, Missouri Homeless Shelters and Services

Welcome to our Greenfield, Missouri Homeless Shelters and Services for the needy page. Below are all of the homeless shelters and services for the needy that provide help to those in need for Greenfield, MO and surrounding cities.

We also provide other homeless resources such as transitional resources and services that help the needy.

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There are no listing located within the Greenfield city limits.

5 Homeless Shelter Listings near Greenfield

Carthage Crisis Center

Carthage Crisis Center

Carthage, MO 30.39 miles outside Greenfield, Missouri

Faith Based Homeless CenterFor immediate needs and assistance, please call (417) 358-3533.Intake hours are usually 9 AM - 5 PM.The Carthage Crisis Center is not you [...]

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Added Sep 25, 2020
Victory Square Men's Shelter

Victory Square Men's Shelter

Springfield, MO 32.65 miles outside Greenfield, Missouri

Victory Square is the largest homeless men shelter in Springfield and the Ozarks with 150 beds. We provide our shelter guests with a clean, safe and sober place to stay, and the support they need to g [...]

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Added Dec 18, 2020
Springfield Victory Mission

Springfield Victory Mission

Springfield, MO 33.1 miles outside Greenfield, Missouri

Springfield Victory Mission operates Victory Square, a men's facility that provides shelter and other services through four areas, namely Victory Lodge, Victory Transitions, Victory Trade School and V [...]

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Added Dec 21, 2016
The Kitchen Inc - Emergency Shelter

The Kitchen Inc - Emergency Shelter

Springfield, MO 33.31 miles outside Greenfield, Missouri

The Kitchen, Inc.s Emergency Shelter provides temporary shelter for people experiencing homelessness. Case managers work with each individual to assess their needs and barriers with the goal of moving [...]

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Added Mar 21, 2022
Salvation Army Harbor House

Salvation Army Harbor House

Springfield, MO 33.54 miles outside Greenfield, Missouri

Programs at the Harbor House include:    Harbor House Rehabilitation Program: Men in this program maintain sobriety, work towards a college education, enter the workforce, receive [...]

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Added Apr 27, 2017


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