Lewisport, KY Homeless Shelters

Lewisport, Kentucky
Lewisport, Kentucky

Lewisport, Kentucky Homeless Shelters and Services

Welcome to our Lewisport, Kentucky Homeless Shelters and Services for the needy page. Below are all of the homeless shelters and services for the needy that provide help to those in need for Lewisport, KY and surrounding cities.

We also provide other homeless resources such as transitional resources and services that help the needy.

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There are no listing located within the Lewisport city limits.

4 Homeless Shelter Listings near Lewisport

Boulware Mission

Boulware Mission

Owensboro, KY 14.97 miles outside Lewisport, Kentucky

Boulware Mission is a faith-based shelter that has been serving Owensboro and its surrounding counties since 1921.Boulware is a shelter for displaced men who are trying to change their sit [...]

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Added Feb 26, 2020
The Daniel Pitino Shelter Family Shelter

The Daniel Pitino Shelter Family Shelter

Owensboro, KY 16.09 miles outside Lewisport, Kentucky

Women's and Married couples and family shelter only. Can stay up to 2 years based on need.Office hours: Mondays through Fridays 8am - 4pm. The Shelter is staffed 24 h [...]

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Added Feb 21, 2020
St. Benedict's Shelter Men's Shelter

St. Benedict's Shelter Men's Shelter

Owensboro, KY 16.33 miles outside Lewisport, Kentucky

Shelter is open year-round from 8 p.m. til 8 a.m.Men only emergency shelter. Two meals daily. Laundry and showers available to overnight guests.St. Benedict Emergency Homeless Shelter is a [...]

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Added Oct 2, 2017
Owensboro Regional Recovery

Owensboro Regional Recovery

Owensboro, KY 17.66 miles outside Lewisport, Kentucky

Owensboro Regional Recovery (ORR) is a Recovery Kentucky mens substance abuse recovery program modeled after Louisvilles Healing Place. Our program usually takes between 6 and 9 months to complete. Th [...]

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Added Feb 25, 2020


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