Located at Emanuel Lutheran Church, this food bank serves qualifying New Haven, IN, citizens residing within our service area.
Hours of operation are Tuesday's, 9 am - 11:45am.
Provides a five-day supply of food to people in need. Clients may visit once a month. Emergency food may be offered, on a one-time basis, to anyone during an assessed crisis.
To be eligible: Must live within boundaries:N-Maysville Rd./Parent Rd./Gar Creek Rd.; S-Tillman Rd; E- Sampson Rd.; W-Hartzell Rd./Adams Center Rd/Meyer Rd./Wayne Trace -- Not used this pantry during the current month
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Donations Needed: Varies by seasonCall the listed food bank telephone number to inquire Volunteers Needed: YESCALL THE LISTED FOOD BANK TELEPHONE NUMBER TO VOLUNTEER
Shelters near Emmanuel Lutheran Church Food Pantry New Haven
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