St Mark's Episcopal Church
710 E Buchanan St
Plainfield, IN - 46168
Please bring photo identification and a piece of mail with your current Hendricks County address. Families and individuals may access the food pantry once a month.
If you are in need...
the Food Pantry is open:
Wednesday 9 am - 11:15 am except the 1st Wednesday of the month
Thursday 1st Thursday of the month only 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Saturday 9 am - 11:00 am 1st, 2nd and 5th Saturdays of the month
To access the food pantry once a month, please bring photo identification and a piece of mail with your current Hendricks County address.
Donations are welcome any time the food pantry is open or by appointment
Food Pantry Needs:
Many of our clients need small slow-cookers and electric skillets in order to prepare their meals. Items listed below are currently needed for the food pantry.
Food Items:
cans of fruit and vegetables
pasta and pasta sauce
Spaghettios and ravioli
dried beans and rice
hot and cold cereals
peanut butter
macaroni and cheese
muffin mixes
Paper Products
toilet paper (individually wrapped rolls)
paper towels
Personal Items
feminine hygiene products
Baby Items
diapers (especially sizes 3, 4, 5)
diaper wipes
baby formula
baby food

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